Música por Dylan Mendez


noun: qualia; noun: quale the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena.


Kwalhia born in the middle of a pandemic. 

It arises with the need to create a space that adapts to the situations in which a large part of the people are immersed: the online world.

Then, ExperimentalFilms.Online came into being.

The means to create audiovisual art is available to everyone. With a cell phone or a large photo / video camera and a lot of imagination you can start communicating. We know that there are more people exploring these formats than ever before and tackling it in so many ways. Rather than limit the style or condition the themes we prefer to embrace the multiplicity and diversity of art.

Have an online meeting point for each filmmaker.

We want to share cinematographic and/or video creations  that allow us to explore and reflect. We prioritize films that seek personal or very particular ways to express themselves, abstract or explicit, aggressive or relaxing. The opposites, commercial and non-commercial. From this great diversity of views, ideas and perspectives, build a moment to contemplate a reality that is constantly changing.

Currently the PSYNEMAS are being built for the appreciation of the selected artworks.

A Sirius Trans/Mission...